
Jigi and Tessia Vs the interlopers from thier future

  Jigi Singh in her signature skintight jumpsuit returns to Texas in the 21st century via Tessia's time portal after defeating a platoon of interlopers sent to assassinate her friends at a Halloween party on Marco Island, Florida.... She and Tessia are victorious, she pauses to enjoy the sunset as the time portal closes and she contemplates her role in the cosmic scheme of things! From the Novel: Stolen Moments Circles in Time Sneak peek at the Halloween party..... Outside on the hotel grounds Unknown to the partygoers, two women standing in the shadows began to talk to each other. One of the women was a Future Jigi from much farther in the future than the Third Jigi. This Jigi had no interest in the party. She and a future version of the young lady who came to the party as Fake Morty stood ready. They were waiting for interlopers attempting to terminate everyone at the party. Far Future Jigi spoke, “Tee, our prey is a few minutes late.” Future Fake Morty replied, “That’s nev

The story of the Djinn and Zennie

  Zennie And the Djinn All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental (and sad for we should all do our part in fighting hunger and poverty!).    Zennie quickly loaded the last bag and box into her car's trunk, slamming the lid twice, praying it wouldn’t pop open again. Her vehicle was on its last legs, barely holding on. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, she volunteered at the food bank before heading to the thrift shop where she worked afternoons. Volunteering there was her only way to gather enough food to keep malnutrition at bay for herself and her three daughters. Despite her meager income, Zennie made just enough to disqualify her from government assistance, including food stamps. As a widowed mother, every dollar counted toward keeping the lights on and a roof over their heads. Frivolities like cable TV, Xbox games, or even a streaming service were luxuries they could not afford. Even the Inter

The Daughters of Zeus / Jigi's visit to Stephen Hawking?

   In keeping with the ancient Muses of mythology in mind, I  have a secondary quote from  Stolen Moments Circles in Time . In this story, Trevor Wilson, a writer, inadvertently sets in motion the birth of a new religion far in the future. In that distant era, the Supreme Priestess and Arch Priestess of the faith, Crystal Dawn and Bridget Furr, discover evidence that they once lived in the past with Trevor, whom they now regard as a messianic figure. They must return to their past to save him from forces determined to erase his existence. Trevor's future wife, Janet Chavez, and their granddaughter, Greta, are also revered in this future, their legacy intertwining with the fabric of their faith. In a more distant future, an AI that has nearly evolved into a deity creates a biological human with quantum processors and memory chips. This being, Jigi, a modern Pinocchio of sorts, is haunted by the question of whether she is truly real or merely a dream made of metaphorical wood. She

The Beginning of Circles in Time

  Stolen Moments Circles in Time  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental   ©Copyright 2023   The Invitation “To all those time travelers (and, of course, that very special one) who secretly walk among us watching their past unfold, but in fear of a history-altering paradox never dare to introduce themselves, exchange pleasantries, or sit for a cup of tea with us (except in stealth). You know we could meet on a rainy day, the kind that seems to make time slow down, the next time I’m in London, just to chat. It’s okay, I won’t, or should I say, I didn’t tell anyone we ever met. The world didn’t end from my point of view and won’t change for you either. Who knows, maybe we are related somehow, and that would be a very nice commonality between us to delve into. So, let’s finally meet to have that tea. And a scone or a slice of cake if you fancy it as well.”   From the Memoirs of

TIC TAC Time Machine!

  “Chrono-Craft: The Legacy of the Tic Tac”  – Embark on an epic saga where the Tic Tac is not just an unidentified object, but the vessel of our hero, a time machine connecting a lineage of civilizations from the future. Each era sends its own travelers, spiraling through the vortex of time, with the Tic Tac as the time-chariot for the most badass of them all. This isn’t just one story, but many woven together, a tapestry of timelines that challenge the very concept of history and destiny. Stolen Moments Circles in Time with its story of the   Legacy of the Tic Tac” invites you to unravel the mysteries of time travel, where each moment stolen from the clutches of time reveals the intricate dance of past, present, and future civilizations. Join the adventure and discover the chronicles of those who ride the waves of time, shaping the narrative of humanity’s journey across the ages.

Stolen Moments in Time has a first novel coming soon called: Stolen Moments Circles in Time

  In a future where consciousness transcends physical form, “Stolen Moments: Circles in Time” weaves a rich narrative fabric, inviting readers to a realm where temporal boundaries merge. The novel probes deep into the essence of love, sacrifice, and destiny, revealing the cascading effects of tampering with time’s flow. Set against the backdrop of an extinct humanity, the story plunges into the tangled lives and fates of characters battling manipulative forces. Neo-Eve, a digital consciousness birthed by a deity-like AI, is on a quest to thwart historical disruptions. The tale intertwines the journeys of time travelers from the 88th century—Bridget Furr and Crystal Dawn—with Trevor Reginald Wilson, a 21st-century sci-fi author wrestling with self-doubt and depression’s shadow. In this distant epoch, Trevor and his prophesied granddaughter Greta are venerated as harbingers of a new faith. Priestesses Bridget and Crystal are tasked with safeguarding Trevor against those intent on era