Jigi and Tessia Vs the interlopers from thier future


Jigi Singh in her signature skintight jumpsuit returns to Texas in the 21st century via Tessia's time portal after defeating a platoon of interlopers sent to assassinate her friends at a Halloween party on Marco Island, Florida.... She and Tessia are victorious, she pauses to enjoy the sunset as the time portal closes and she contemplates her role in the cosmic scheme of things!

From the Novel: Stolen Moments Circles in Time

Sneak peek at the Halloween party.....

Outside on the hotel grounds

Unknown to the partygoers, two women standing in the shadows began to talk to each other. One of the women was a Future Jigi from much farther in the future than the Third Jigi. This Jigi had no interest in the party. She and a future version of the young lady who came to the party as Fake Morty stood ready. They were waiting for interlopers attempting to terminate everyone at the party.

Far Future Jigi spoke, “Tee, our prey is a few minutes late.”

Future Fake Morty replied, “That’s never good; it means they’re expecting us, and they’re regrouping from being defeated in another timeline. Jigi, why are you wearing a cowgirl hat, a buckle the size of a dinner plate, and carrying a bullwhip? What are you trying to be Indiana Jones?”

“Compared to me Indiana Jones would be a whimpering wuss, Tee. I hope you can fight Tee and not just stand there like Janet and try to talk our way out of it, forcing me to singlehandedly open a double can of Texas whoop-ass on them. After all, you are now the second Freaking deity, now that Janet has become the Queen Mother of Barf or whatever her new title is. I miss the old Janet; this Janet is too much of a bureaucrat now.”

Then, without warning, four bright lights appeared behind the bushes, and four men who would have passed as twins for Hercules came out. Far Future Jigi acted quickly and neutralized two interlopers with her bullwhip and some martial arts techniques. Then, future Fake Morty took care of the other two intruders by slashing their throats with some sort of blade.

Then, another interloper from inside the vegetation came at the two at breakneck speed. The fifth Hercules took Jigi by surprise, knocking her semi-unconscious. He then picked up future Fake Morty by the throat and lifted her off the ground as he choked the life out of her.

Then, speaking in a rasping whisper, future Fake Morty said as she tightened her muscles, “I…send…you…to…hell.” Blood began to pour from his eyes, nose, and mouth. Then, the sound of his bones breaking throughout his body could be heard as he released her and fell to the ground like a blob of bleeding flesh.

“What the freak, Tee. How did you do that? Freak me! Are you a descendant of Dawn?” Far Future Jigi asked as she tried to stand.

“How could I be? The Great Mind created my mother’s ancestors just like you, Jigi. No, I’m my daddy’s little girl.”

“I wish the Mind had given me power like that; I would have really messed up a few more of those mother freakers in South Africa when they tried to assassinate Nelson Mandela while he was still in prison. Well, the freaking Wilds’ Deities just went full-blown badass. Wow, your first mission was unbelievable.”

“Jigi, this isn’t my first mission as a deity. My first official mission as a deity was to take Golden Dawn into Trevor’s crypt. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I held my composure after seeing his bones, but after I left Golden Dawn, I cried for hours. I know he lives to be a very old man, but I didn’t like standing there knowing that’s all that’s left of him.”

“I know, sweetie. It hurts to think about that from my perspective, too. We all love him but must keep our timeline on track. Just remember, he lived more than a full life. And the most important thing was that he didn’t take his own life at an early age. All of us made sure of that. Now let me call Felix and Sampson to remove all these bodies.”


Back to the party…


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